03 Jun 2024 07:57

fire extinguisher types and uses

Fire Extinguisher Types and Uses:

A Fire Extinguisher term means cutting off or altering the fire or blowing down of fire that is caused due to any explosive material or gas presence or any electrical fault found. A fire extinguisher is a device that is used to cut off the fire. These fire cut-off equipment come in different variants with respect to the Fire Zones Proposed & and the class of Fire.

Types of Fire Extinguisher:

1. Water Type Fire Extinguisher:

Generally, cut-off firing shall be done by the water spraying over. Water-type fire extinguisher operates on the principle which is as follows when water is sprayed or threw in a line of fire where combustion of any material, gas & other electrical utility system caused then it’s lowers down or cools the temperature of substance that is in combustible form than its Ignition Point (Ignition Point is term which defined as the lowest temperature at which substance about to become combustible when free to air) & extinguishes the fire.

Drawbacks of Water Type Fire Extinguisher:

Water as fire extinguisher fluid not to be used in every case. Water can’t be used with oil and petrol because of the density differences across they float over the water layer which means water sink against the fluid surface.

Water cannot be used in case of firing from electrical cabling or Control System it conducts electricity (Due to the presence of ions in the Water Solution), there is some chance of Getting an Electric Shock during the Extinguish Process Which leads to severe injuries or sudden death to Fire extinguish Person.

2. Foam Type Fire Extinguisher:

Foam Type extinguisher works on the principle in which restricts the oxygen processing to the combustible material or substance which is firing/Burning at the moment.

mr umar

03 Jun 2024

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